
Anal Fistula Laser Treatment Advantages


Processing time is 5-8 minutes.

No anaesthesia  and no side effects related to anaesthesia (Only Simple Local Anesthesia)

Since there is no surgery, there is no need for pre-treatment tests or analysis, and hunger or satiety does not interfere with treatment.

No incisions and stitches.

Since tissues are not damaged, healing is rapid.

They are able to return to their daily activities on same day as treatment.

It does not require a hospital stay as it is as comfortable and quick as tooth fillings.

Less pain after non-surgical laser treatment.

Complications after the treatment are not normally observed. (stool or gas incontinence, severe pain…)

It can also be applied to patients with chronic diseases.


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    What is Fistula?

    Fistula disease is a connection canal formed between two internal organs or internal organs and the skin layer in the pelvic area. Fistula canals seen in the breech area occur due to injury to the organs in the area where they form or abscess formation in the area. Fistulous canals in the pelvic area arise from the damage of organs in the part where they are forms, or from the occurrence of an abscess in this area.

    What is Anal Fistula?

    Although the rectal area is a small area of ​​our body, it performs very important functions for the whole body. A rectal fistula can manifest itself in a variety of symptoms. Unfortunately, it is not possible to take any precautions that can provide absolute protection against this disease.

    In order to understand what an anal fistula is, it is necessary to carefully examine the gluteal region. In the rectal region, there are two separate muscle layers in the rectum. The pelvic floor muscles, which are divided into internal and external, have different functions. The internal muscles of the anus have a structure that works involuntarily.

    The external pelvic floor muscles in the outer layer are muscles that work voluntarily and take on the task of holding the stool during bowel movements. Both types of muscles play an important role in bowel movement and gas retention.

    The rectum is connected to the epithelial tissue on the surface of the intestine. In this area of ​​the connection are the glands and hair formations. These glands, located in the internal muscle, play an important role in defecation to comfortably satisfy the need for emptying. Any damage in this area can have serious consequences. Fissures resulting from tissue deformation during a stretching movement or a situation that can cause injury to the area also damage these glands. Untreated fıssures during bowel movements come in contact with feces and bacteria contained in them, and after a while these tissues become inflamed.

    This inflammation, observed in the pelvic area, is trying to eliminate and “squeeze” out the immune system, which perceives this process as a protective action of the body. Due to this abscess infection, which the body’s defense system tries to eliminate, a canal is formed from the area between the colon and epithelial tissue. As a result of the reluctance to preserve abscessive inflammation in this area, a fistulous tract arises, which is called a fistula disease.

    Anal Fistula Symptoms

    Disease of the anal fistula in the rectal area is accompanied by complaints characteristic of it. It usually presents as a swelling in the pelvic region, a feeling of fullness and, in some cases, an unpleasant odor from an abscess. When fistulas are running, yellow spots are observed on the underwear.

    The symptoms of anal fistula, which are observed one after another, can be listed as follows:

    • External opening of the fistulous canal near the anus, swelling,
    • Inflammation from the colon area,
    • Pain during bowel movements,
    • Inflammatory yellow discharge and unpleasant odor due to the presence of an abscess,
    • Bleeding during bowel movements or blood stains on underwear after using the toilet.

    If any of the above symptoms are found, you should immediately consult your doctor for a definitive diagnosis.

    What Causes an Anal Fistula?

    There are many hypotheses about the causes of the formation of anal fistulas. We can say that most patients encounter this disease by accident. The destruction of the tissue structure of the pelvic area for a number of reasons is one of the main causes of the disease. Tension during constipation or bouts of diarrhea causes irritation and cracks on the surface of the mucous membrane of the anal canal, which become inflamed over time. If the injured areas in the anus are left untreated, the inflamed part opens the way for fistula formation.

    An abscess that results from an anal fissure or irritation of the rectum creates a drain towards the skin and exits to the surface of the skin. This discharge also passes through the fistulous canal. It can be said that being in a state in which there are bouts of constipation or diarrhea that damage the anal canal area is one of the causes of anal fistula.

    It should be noted that not every trip to the toilet, accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, can be the result of an anal fistula. In some cases, anal fistula can occur due to various intestinal diseases. It can also be caused by certain types of colon cancer, chronic colitis, or ulcerative colitis.


    Types of Anal Fistulas

    By location relative to the sphincter, fistulas are classified into the following types: transphincteric, suprasphincteric fistulas, extrasphincteric and intrasphincteric.

    Transsfincteric fistula

    In this type of fistula, the fistulous tract runs between the sphincter muscle and the surface of the skin.

    Suprasphinteric Fistula

    Suprasphincteric fistulas, starting in the intersphincteric space, rise upward and cross the muscular structures of the anal canal at its highest point, thus involving the entire obturator apparatus.

    Extrasphincterik Fistula

    In this case, the fistula is formed from the site of the surrounding epithelial tissue and paves the way inward along the colon.

    İntrasphincteric Fistula

    Formed due to an abscess, the course of the canal is located between the internal and external muscles of the perianal region. The external opening of the fistula is located close to the anus, and the internal opening of the fistula is usually located at the entrance to the anal canal.

    Simple types of fistula occur in 90 percent of people with this condition. However, if treatment is postponed, this disease develops in the subsequent period and turns into complex fistulous structures, the treatment process of which is longer and more complicated.


    Can an Anal Fistula Turn İnto Cancer?

    Fistula disease is a disease that occurs when the immune system does not try to eliminate inflammation resulting from a traumatic situation in the rectal region. For this reason, the observed symptoms are similar to some types of colon and rectal cancer.

    For example, complaints such as bleeding during bowel movements or a feeling of fullness in the anus are also observed in cancer. However, if untreated anal fistula disease over many years causes continuous inflammatory discharge in this area, after a while it will cause the progression of cancer cells.

    Research shows that inflammation that lasts for 10 years can cause cell cancer in that part. Therefore, if symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist doctor and pinpoint the underlying cause of the complaint. If necessary, specialists can also refer to various tests, such as colonoscopy or rectoscopy, in order to make a differential diagnosis.

    How is Anal Fistula Diagnosed?

    Fistula disease is usually diagnosed by a proctologist after listening to the patient’s complaints and performing a physical examination. If necessary, some additional diagnostic methods can also be applied. For example, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, fistulogram, or endoscopy. In most cases, the possibility of fistula formation is determined by a detailed examination of the rectal area of patients with complaints of inflammation.

    A painless examination can be done with a fistula diagnostic technique called a blue dye (methylene blue) test. In addition, one of the most commonly used methods is a detailed anoscopic examination. A procedure called rectoscopy is performed using an endoscopic device and allows other anal diseases, such as hemorrhoids and fissures, to be diagnosed along with the fistula, if any. A more detailed examination can also be carried out using a sigmoidoscopy apparatus. Thanks to the colonoscopy device, in addition to fistula disease, rectal diseases such as Crohn’s disease can be diagnosed, which may be the main cause of symptoms. Using a technique called fistulography, a blue fluid is injected through the external fistulous opening, which allows you to identify the fistulous canals that have made their way inward.

    Does anal fistula disappear by itselfs

    What Happens if the Fistula Left Untreated?

    Postponement of treatment, unfortunately, can lead to branching, enlargement and complication of fistulous canals, accumulation of purulent secretions, which contribute to the appearance of an even more complex form of fistula disease such as cancer. The most common complication, if the perianal fistula is not treated, is the occurrence of a fungal disease due to the constant presence and flow of purulent discharge in the rectal region. Due to the fungus, the patient has chronic complaints of itching in the anus and rectal area.

    Anal Fistula Treatment

    Anal fistulas are treated with classic surgical procedures and non-surgical methods of treatment, which are now preferred for their benefits. Most often, the risks associated with injury to the pelvic muscles, which are possible with surgery, leave the solution to the problem with surgery in question. In addition, points in the treatment of surgery, such as postoperative recovery over several months, where adherence to a recumbent regimen and frequent dressings are required, make patients think about.

    Expecting that the surgical treatment underwent will bring long-awaited relief and the difficulties associated with the disease will pass, however, in reality, the patient does not receive the desired comfort and relief.

    Expecting that the surgical treatment underwent will bring long-awaited relief and the difficulties associated with the disease will pass, however, in reality, the patient does not receive the desired comfort and relief. In order for the patient to be able to recover from the disease in a healthy way and return to his normal life in a short time, it is very important that the method of treatment and the doctor who performed the treatment are experienced.

    In this regard, a method of treatment is needed that eliminates all the risks associated with muscle damage.

    Methods for Non-Surgical Laser Treatment of Anal Fistulas

    • Electrosurgical treatment
    • Radio frequency therapy
    • Laser treatment

    These methods are used alone or in combination, depending on the condition of the disease.

    You can find detailed information about the treatment by subscribing to our Avrupa Cerrahi Youtube channel.


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    Making an Appointment

    If you want to start a quick treatment process you can make an appointment by calling on or via WhatsApp at the number
    +90 552 608 3921


    Examination Process

    When your examination day comes, after the diagnosis made by your doctor, the most appropriate form of treatment is determined for you.

    Treatment Process

    As soon as you decide on the treatment (may be on the same day),
    we can perform laser Fistula treatment.

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