
Hemorrhoid Laser Treatment Advantages


Processing time is 5-8 minutes.

No anaesthesia  and no side effects related to anaesthesia (Only Simple Local Anesthesia)

Since there is no surgery, there is no need for pre-treatment tests or analysis, and hunger or satiety does not interfere with treatment.

No incisions and stitches.

Since tissues are not damaged, healing is rapid.

They are able to return to their daily activities on same day as treatment.

It does not require a hospital stay as it is as comfortable and quick as tooth fillings.

Less pain after non-surgical laser treatment.

Complications after the treatment are not normally observed. (stool or gas incontinence, severe pain…)

It can also be applied to patients with chronic diseases.

This treatment is suitable for all 4 grades of hemorrhoids.

Why Need to Choose Avrupa Cerrahi?

We treat patients who have been scheduled for surgery with non-surgical laser techniques using our 17 years of experience and expertise.

We follow all relevant information and developments in the field of proctology from domestic and foreign sources, and also apply our unique special treatment technology with innovative developments in this area.

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    What is Hemorrhoids?

    Hemorrhoid disease is a rectal disease that occurs in the anal region, which is located at the exit of the large intestine, known as hemorrhoids among the people hemorrhoids are also called piles.

    It occurs when the veins in the breech area swell and become breasts as a result of some factors. Hemorrhoids, which can also be defined as varicose veins, are usually seen due to increased pressure in the lower rectum and anus.

    Hemorrhoid disease, which is very common in society, is seen at almost the same rates in all ages and in all genders. Although it was previously encountered in people aged 50 and over, it is also seen frequently in young people due to reasons such as the change in daily habits.

    What Causes Hemorrhoids?

    Hemorrhoid disease is one of the anal diseases that occur due to more than one reason, which greatly affects the comfort of daily life. Hemorrhoid formation in the anal area is mostly caused by damage to the tissues and blood vessels in the area due to straining during defecation. The most important causes of hemorrhoids are chronic constipation and diarrhea due to digestive system disorder.

    Before Hemorrhoids Treatment

    hidradenitis suppurativa

    After Hemorrhoid Treatment

    hidradenitis suppurativa

    Haemorrhoids (Haemorrhoids) Diagnosis Visuals

    hidradenitis suppurativa
    hidradenitis suppurativa
    hidradenitis suppurativa
    hidradenitis suppurativa

    Although the exact cause of hemorrhoids is not known exactly, there are certain common causes in patients. The causes of hemorrhoids can be listed as follows:

    • Changes in bowel habits (experiencing chronic constipation or diarrhea).
    • Inadequate meeting of daily water need.
    • A sedentary lifestyle.
    • Pregnancy or birth.
    • Heavy sports such as horse riding, weight lifting, and some sports activities such as cycling.
    • Jobs that are held in a sitting position for a long time (pilot, desk jobs, chauffeur, etc.)
    • Excessive alcohol and cigarette consumption.
    • Tumors in the breech region.
    • Excess weight problem.
    • Genetic predisposition.

    Types of Hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoid disease is divided into two types, internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids according to the location of hemorrhoid formations in the anal region.

    What Are the Grades of Internal Hemorrhoids?

    Hemorrhoids located in the inner part of the anus are called internal hemorrhoids. This type of hemorrhoids, which is called internal hemorrhoids in the medical language, is the type that causes the most trouble to people in terms of complaints.

    And as the treatment is delayed, the degrees of the disease increase. In internal hemorrhoids which consists of 4 different stages, the stage of the disease is one of the important factors in choosing the treatment method.

    1st Degree Hemorrhoids:

    In this type of internal hemorrhoids, which can be said to be the first and initial stage of hemorrhoids, the hemorrhoid pads are not discernible from the outside. Accordingly, complaints and symptoms are also not understandable. Since there is no obvious finding, it may not be understood by people, but it can be diagnosed with a detailed examination performed by a specialist physician.

    2nd Degree Hemorrhoids:

    Hemorrhoid nipples have started to grow in size in this type of internal hemorrhoids. And this situation makes the person feel as if there is a fullness in the anus. At the same time, it is observed that the hemorrhoid nipples go out of the anus due to straining during defecation and enter the anus again after defecation. At this stage, hemorrhoid breasts might give complaints such as bleeding, itching and in some cases pain in the anus.

    3rd Degree Hemorrhoids:

    At this stage, the hemorrhoid pads have grown to go out of the anus at normal time. hemorrhoid bulges from the anus during bowel movements and must be pushed back in with a finger. In this case, internal hemorrhoids come out spontaneously and it takes a long time for them to enter the anus on their own. In this stage, the person may experience more intense bleeding, a feeling of wetness and itching.

    Grade 4 Hemorrhoids:

    Known as the last stage of internal hemorrhoid disease, 4th degree hemorrhoids are constantly prolapse out of the rectum. The pads that do not fit into the anal canal any longer protrude beyond the anus. In this stage of the disease, the hemorrhoid have reached a size that cannot be pushed into the anus in any way. In the 4th degree, which is the stage that causes the most severe complaints, bleeding, itching, feeling of fullness and severe pain are added to the person’s difficulty in walking or sitting. At this stage, where daily movements are greatly restricted, a specialist proctologist should be consulted without wasting any more time.

    External Hemorrhoids

    In this type of hemorrhoids, the hemorrhoids are located on the outside of the anus. In this type of hemorrhoids that occur at the out of the anus, the pads are in a size that can be seen and felt by hand when touched. due to these symptoms, the person may suspect external hemorrhoids.

    There is also a type of external hemorrhoid known as thrombosed hemorrhoids. It is a type of hemorrhoids that occurs as a result of blood clotting in hemorrhoidal structures. It is also known colloquially as choked hemorrhoids. In this case, complaints such as burning, tingling, itching or bleeding as a result of pressure are encountered due to hard and painful swellings. Hemorrhoidal structures may appear bluish or purplish in color.

    If the patient’s complaints include rectal bleeding, additional diagnostic methods such as proctoscopy can be used if deemed necessary.

    If it is deemed necessary after the examination, methods such as colonoscopy are also used to investigate diseases such as intestinal diseases, digestive system and large intestine tumors. Because some symptoms of hemorrhoids can be similar to these types of diseases. In order to make a definitive diagnosis in doubtful points, it is necessary to determine the main disease underlying the complaints.


    Hemorrhoids Symptoms

    Although the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids differ, it is possible to list the complaints and symptoms of the disease that people with hemorrhoids usually experience as follows:

    • Itching sensation in and around the anus,
    • Bleeding or traces of blood,
    • Burning sensation in the anal area,
    • Palpable swelling in theanal or on the anus area,
    • Feeling of fullness in the anal canal,
    • Inability to defecate completely and experiencing a feeling of defecation at normal times,
    • Wetness or discharge in the rectum,
    • Pain in the anal area.

    What Is Good For the hemorrhoids?

    The first thing to do is not to delay the treatment of hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids). However, some suggestions can be used until the treatment is performed and for the positive outcome of the treatment and to support the person after the treatment.

    Consuming at least 2 liters of water a day is both good for hemorrhoids and for a person to lead a healthy life. In general, beverages such as tea and coffee are consumed instead of water. Unfortunately, this situation does not meet the amount of water required by the body. And none of these types of drinks can replace water. In order for our digestive system to function properly, the amount of water our body needs must be met. Water should be consumed to avoid constipation, which is one of the causes of hemorrhoids.

    Consuming foods rich in fiber, which is important for the health of the intestine and digestive system, is important for hemorrhoid disease. Examples of these foods are legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits, foods such as yoghurt containing probiotics, dried fruits and nuts. At this point, at the beginning of the foods to be avoided, fast-food, acidic drinks, ready-made foods, white bread and foods with high carbohydrate content come.

    People should make sports as a part of their lives as well as their diet. Getting out of a sedentary lifestyle and doing sports regularly are among the factors that regulate the digestive system.

    Patients with hemorrhoids treatment and people who want to be protected from hemorrhoids should not stay in the toilet for a long time. A maximum of 5 minutes should be spent and when the need for the toilet comes, it should be eliminated without waiting.

    Does Hemorrhoids Go away with Herbal Treatment?

    There is no such thing as spontaneous recovery in hemorrhoid disease. First of all, help from a Proctology or General Surgery physician should be sought. As the degrees of the disease progress over time, herbal medicines or creams used without a doctor’s recommendation as a result of hearing information or internet research can cause different health problems. In this process, since the treatment of the disease is delayed, the complaints of the person will increase and the disease will progress.

    Advertisements containing phrases such as “cream for hemorrhoids”, “herbal treatment for hemorrhoids”, “how to cure hemorrhoids at home” should not be respected. When hemorrhoid symptoms are encountered, first of all, a proctology specialist should be consulted and the appropriate treatment method should be determined.

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    Hemorrhoid Treatment Methods

    It is important that the hemorrhoid disease is carried out by a specialist physician, taking into account the dimensions of the disease. Relief can be achieved with treatment methods such as a diet program that can be easily recommended to the person, a warm water sitz bath and medications or creams given in the presence of a doctor in hemorrhoids noticed at the 1st degree.

    However, it should be known that methods such as medication and creams give a temporary soothing effect to the person. When these treatment methods, which block the symptoms of the disease, are discontinued, the pain recurs and the dimensions of the disease progress, especially in advanced stage hemorrhoids. The effects of these methods, which are used according to the stage of the disease, also decrease.

    Today, there are surgical and non-surgical treatment options in the treatment of hemorrhoids. In the classical surgical operation under general anesthesia, called hemorrhoid surgery, the hemorrhoids located in the breech are cut and removed. Then, the tissues of the area where the cutting process is performed are sutured. In this method, which has a high level of pain, the person is put to sleep by giving narcosis. In the surgery, healthy tissues are also damaged due to the incision and suture application. After this surgery, which requires hospitalization, it takes a minimum of 20 days for the patient’s surgical wounds to heal and return to his daily life. Since it is often difficult to keep the wound clean, the patient often needs dressings. Since there is a risk of infection of the wounds, hemorrhoid patients seek different methods.

    The non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment method that we apply in our center provides a great advantage to people at this point. You can have your hemorrhoids treatment on an outpatient basis, without the need for hospitalization, just like having a dental filling, by our specialist physicians in the field of proctology and our experienced healthcare team. In the non-surgical treatment of hemorrhoids performed under local anesthesia, no incisions or stitches are applied. It is performed in a short time and there is no risk of infection in the area since there is no tissue damage like surgery. In this way, recovery is achieved in a short time.

    Techniques Used in Non-Surgical Hemorrhoid Treatment

    • Treatment with laser
    • Treatment with electrosurgery
    • Treatment with radiofrequency
    • Treatment with band ligation
    • Treatment with THD (Hemorrhoid artery ligation)
    • Treatment with photocoagulation can be considered

    Non-surgical hemorrhoid treatments can be applied alone or in combination when necessary.

    How is the Treatment Process is done in European Surgical?

    Making an Appointment

    If you want to start a quick treatment process you can make an appointment by calling on or via WhatsApp at the number
    +90 552 608 3921

    Examination Process

    When your examination day comes, after the diagnosis made by your doctor, the most appropriate form of treatment is determined for you.

    Treatment Process

    As soon as you decide on the treatment (may be on the same day),
    we can perform laser hemorrhoid treatment.

    Call Now


