What happens if haemorrhoids are not treated?

What happens if haemorrhoids are not treated?

If hemorrhoids are left untreated, the symptoms can often worsen and lead to serious complications. These complications include tissue inflammation, thrombosed hemorrhoids (containing blood clots), anaemia or other health problems.

Does hemorrhoids cause odour?

Haemorrhoids usually do not cause odour. However, if there is bleeding, there may be a smell of blood. However, you should take any smelly symptoms seriously and see a proctology doctor.

Does hemorrhoids prevent defecation?

Hemorrhoids usually do not interfere with the defecation process. However, they can cause symptoms such as pain or bleeding during defecation. This makes the defecation process difficult.

Does Hemorrhoids Turn into Cancer?

Advantages of Non-Surgical Hemorrhoid Treatment.

What to do before a haemorrhoids examination?

Going to the toilet a few hours before going for a hemorrhoid examination may provide more comfort during the examination. The anal area should be clean during the examination and wearing comfortable clothes can ease the examination, as your doctor needs to have access to the anal area.

Which doctor should I visit for hemorrhoids?

The specialist you should consult for hemorrhoid problems is a proctology doctor. Proctology is a branch of medicine that deals with the lower part of the digestive system, including the anal, rectum and colorectal region. Proctologists are specialists in the diagnosis, treatment and treatment of haemorrhoids.

Are there any medications that are good for haemorrhoids?

Some medicines and creams that you can buy without a prescription from pharmacies can help relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. These medicines contain ingredients such as vasoconstrictors, painkillers, tissue regenerators and anti-itching medicines. For example, Daflon Tablet, Doxium Tablet, Venorouton Tablet, Kortos suppository, proctoglivenol anal cream, proctolog suppository and cream are among the commonly used hemorrhoid medications. These drugs can help relieve symptoms and provide relief, but it is important to consult a proctology doctor before using any medication.

When to visit a doctor for hemorrhoids?

If there are symptoms of hemorrhoids, especially the following cases require a doctor’s consultation:

  • Severe pain is experienced.
  • Bleeding or chronic itching occurs.
  • If there is discomfort or a constant feeling of swelling.

A proctologist should be consulted. Your doctor will assess the type and severity of hemorrhoids and recommend appropriate treatment options. Early diagnosis and treatment is important to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids and prevent its progression.


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